Repair Engine control unit : EDC17C59

Engine control unit







Recurrent breakdowns for : EDC17C59

Would you like more information on the recurring breakdowns of : EDC17C59 ? Contact our team via the contact page

More information on repairs :EDC17C59

Would you like more information on recurring breakdowns of EDC17C59 ? Contact our team via the contact page
OPEL, ASTRA, EDC17C59, Bosch

an all-inclusive package for professionals and their customers


Our prices are fixed, regardless of the fault detected on the product. No need to wait for a quote, the price is firm and immediate.

Spare parts

Regardless of the components to be replaced. No additional cost if the component is expensive (e.g., replacement of a screen panel).


In addition to repairing the announced failure, we also replace other components known to fail with age.

2-year warranty

Trust our service, we offer a 24-month warranty on every repair. And we offer an optional 36-month additional warranty for eligible products.


You're not alone, we're here to help! Our professional technical support team is on hand Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:45pm, to help you solve all your technical questions.